Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Motivational Psychology

need and desire that energized and directs behavior
Instinct Theory:
we are motivated by our inborn automated behaviors
Drive Reduction Theory:
the idea that a physiological need cheated an around tension state that motivated and organism to satisfy the need
pulled by a positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivated behaviors
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs:
Abraham Maslow said we are motivated by needs, and all needs are not created equal. We are driven to satisfy lower levels of needs first

Hunger is both physiological and psychological
(Washburns studies showed hunger was particularly related to the stomach)
Biological Basis of Hunger:
Hunger does NOT come from your stomach; it comes from your brain.

Brain- The Hypothalamus
Lateral Hypothalamus:
When stimulated, it makes you hungry
Ventromedial Hypothalamus:
When stimulated, you feel full.

a protein produced by bloated fat cells
Set Point:
a theory that states everyone's body has a genetically determined range of weight and temperature that their body will try to maintain to stay at optimal health.
Body Chemistry:

  • glucose
  • the hormone insulin converts glucose to fat
  • when glucose levels drop, hunger increases
people who eating is triggered more by the presence of food than internal factors

Eating Disorders
Bulimia Nervosa:
Anorexia Nervosa:
starving yourself below 85% of your normal body weight; you see yourself as fat
Obesity: severely overweight to the point where it causes health issues

Achievement Motivation
Instinct Motivators: Reward we get internally, such as enjoyment or satisfaction
Extrinsic Motivators: Reward that we get for accomplishments from outside ourselves

Management Theory
Theory X:
Managers believe that employees will work only if rewarded with benefits or threatened with punishments
 Theory Y:
Managers believe that employees are internally motivated to do work and policies should encourage this internal motive

James- Lange Theory of Emotions:
experience of emotion is awareness of physiological responses to emotion arousing stimuli

  • We feel emotion because of biological changes caused by stress
  • The body changes ad our mind recognize the feeling

Cannon-Bard Theory of Emotion:
emotion- arousing stimuli simultaneous trigger:

  • physiological responses
  • subjective experience of emotion

Schachter's Two Factor Theory of Emotion:
to experience emotion you must:

  • be physically aroused
  • cognitively labeled as aroused

Two- Factor Theory of Emotion:
Biology and Cognition interaction with each other to increase the experience

Lie Detectors: 
machine commonly used to detect lies

Experienced Emotion
releasing aggressive energy
Feel Good, Do Good Phenomenon:
people tendency to be helpful when already in a good mood
Adaptation Level Phenomenon:
tendency to form judgements relative to a "neutral" level
Relative Deprivations: perception that one is worse off relative to those with whom one compares oneself

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