an unjustifiable attitude towards a group of people
- Social inequalities is the principal reason behind prejudice
"us"=- people with whom one shares a common identity
"them"- those perceived as different than ones ingroup
Ingroup Bias:
tendency to favor ones group
Scapegoat Theory:
theory that prejudice provides an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame
Just-World Phenomenon:
the belief that those who suffer deserve their fate
any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt or destroy
Frustration Aggression Principle:
the blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal
a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas
- Proximity: Geographic Nearness
- Mere Exposure Effect: refers to the fact that repeated exposure to the stimulus breeds liking
- Similarity: "Birds of the same feather do flock together" -breeds content
- Reciprocal Liking: You are most like someone that likes you
- Liking through Associations: Classical conditioning can play a part in attraction
Passionate Love:
an aroused state of INTENSE positive absorption of one another
Compassionate Love:
the deep affectionate attachment we feel for those with whom our lives are intertwined
What makes love work?
- Equity
- Self- Disclosure
Bystander Effect:
Bystanders less wiling to help if there aren't other bystanders around
Social Exchange Theory:
the idea that our social behaviors is an exchange process which we maximise benefits and minimize costs.
Give people superordinate goals that can only be achieved through cooperation.
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