Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' 5 Stages of Death...
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Social Development
- Up until a year, infants do not mind strange people.
- After about a year, infants develops stranger anxiety
-Paul Lorenz discovered that some animals form attachment through imprinting.
-Harry Harlow and his monkeys
-Harry showed that monkeys needed touch to form attachment.
Critical Periods: the optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produce proper development.
-Those who are deprived of touch have trouble forming attachment when they are olders.
3 Types of Attachment
Mary Ainsworth Strange Situation
3 Types of Attachment.....
- Secure
- Avoidant
- Anxious Ambivalent
Parenting Styles
There are 3...
- Authoritarian Parents: parents are the bosses
- Premise Parents (laissez faire): children are the bosses
- Authoritative Parents (democratic): children participate. Parents and children compromise.
- a neo-feudian
- work with Anna Freud
- believed that personality was influenced by our experiences with others.
"Is my world predictable or supportive?"
-The trust or mistrust they develop can carry on with one child for the rest of their life.
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
-Toddlers begin to control their bodies (toilet training)
-Control temper tantrums
-Big word is "No"
-"Can they learn to control, or will they doubt themselves?" (Ages 2-3)
Initiative vs Guilt
-Words turn from "No!" to "Why?" (Ages 3-6)
-want to understand the world and ask questions.
-"Is their curiosity encouraged, or scolded?"
Industry vs. Inferiority
"Am I successful, or worthless?"
-Ages 6-12
Do we feel bad about out accomplishments?
We are for the 1st time evaluated by a formal system and our peers.
Identity vs. Role Confusion
-In early teenage years, we try out different roles.
-Who am I?
-If i do not find myself, I may develop an identity crisis.
Intimacy vs. Isolation
-Have to balance work and relationship
-What are my priorities?
Generality vs. Stagnation
-Middle adult
"Will I succeed in life?"
-Is everything going as planned?
-Am I happy with what I've created?
-Mid life crisis!!!
Integrity vs. Despair
-Look back on life.
-Was my life meaningful, or do I have regret? (Elderly people)
Jean Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development
- Sensorimotor stage: Babies are relying solely on their senses
- Pre Operational stage:
- Ages 2-7
- babies begin to use language to represent objects and ideals
- Egocentric: cannot look at the world through anyone else's eyes but their own.
- Conservation: refers to the idea that a quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance and is part of logical thinking.
- can demonstrate concept of conservation
- learn to think logically
- Ages 7 to 11.
- abstract reasoning
- manipulate objects in our minds without seeing them
- hypothesis testing
- trial and error
- metacognition
- not every adult gets to this tage
Types of Intelligence
Crystallized Intelligence
- accustomed knowledge
- increase with age
- Ability to solve problems quickly and think abstractly
- peaks in the 20's then decreases over time.
Moral Development (Lawrence Kolberg)
3 Stages...
- Pre-Conventional Morality: morality based on rewards and punishments
- Conventional Morality: based on how others see you.
- If your peers, or society, thinks it's wrong, then so do you.
- Your own personal set of ethics.
Thanks Asia for sharing your notes! its very easy to understand your blog, but i would like to see more pictures that go along with what you are writing about. like when you talk about the 5 stages of denial i would like to see a picture because it would make your blog more appealing to the eye and help people understand better ! Thanks again !