Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Unit 5- Sensation and Perception

Sensation: your window to the world
Perception: interpreting what comes in your window

SENSATION: the process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive stimulus from the environment.
1. Bottom-up Processing: begins with the sense receptors and works up to the brain's integration of sensory information.
2. Top-down Processing: information processing guided by higher level mental processes.

Absolute Threshold: the minimum stimulation needed to detect a stimulation needed to detect a stimulus 50% of the time.
Difference Threshold: the minimum difference that a person can detect between two stimuli.
Weber's Law: the idea that, to perceive a difference between two stimuli, they must differ by a constant percentage, not a constant.
Signal Detection Theory: predicts how we detect a stimulus amid other stimuli.
Sensory Adaptation: decreased responsiveness to stimuli due to constant stimulation
Selective Attention: the focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus.
Cocktail Party Phenomenon: cocktail party effect describes the ability to focus on ones listening attention on a single talker among a mixture of conversations and background noises... Ignoring other conversations.

Energy Vs. Chemical Senses:
Vision: our most dominating sense.

  • The height of a wave gives us intensity (brightness)
  • The length of the wave gives us its hue (color)
  • The longer the wave, the more red it is. 
  • The shorter the wavelength, the more violet.
Transduction: transforming signals into neural impulses.... Transduction in the ear is when sound waves hit the eardrum then anvil then hammer then stirrup then oval window. 
Young-Helmholtz Theory:
Three types of cones...
  1. Red
  2. Blue 
  3. Green
-You can make millions of combinations of colors with these 3 primary colors.
Opponent Process Theory: sensory receptors come in pairs.

  • Red and Green
  • Blue and Yellow
  • Black and White

If one color is stimulated, the other color in inhibited.

Important words when it comes to sound....
Amplitude and Wavelength
-The height of the wave gives us the amplitude.
-The longer the wavelength, the lower the pitch and vice versa.

Transduction in the ear

-Sound waves hit the eardrum, then the anvil, then the hammer, then the stirrup, then the oval window.
-The cochlea is lined with mucus called basilar membrane.
-In the basilar membrane, there are hair cells. 
-When hair vibrates, the vibrations turn into neural impulses which are called Organ of Corti.
-Sent to thalamus up auditory nerve.

Pitch Theories

  1. Place Theory: different hairs vibrate in the cochlea when there are different pitches, so some hairs vibrate when they hear high pitches.
  2. Frequency Theory: all the hairs vibrate at different speed.


  1. Conduction Deafness: something goes wrong with the sound and the vibration is on its way to the cochlea.
  2. Nerve (sensorineural) Deafness: hair cells in cochlea get damaged.

Causes of deafness...

  • loud noise
  • no way to replace hairs
  • cochlea implant is possible
Why do we study smell and taste together??????

Sensory Interaction: the principle that one sense may influence another.


-We have bumps on our tongue called papillae.
-Taste buds are located on the papille (all over the mouth actually)
(picture of sweet salty bitter blah blah blah)


  • receptors located in our skin.
Gate control theory of pain: the spinal cord contains a neurological gate that contains blocked signals or allows them to pass onto the brain.
Vestibular Sense: tells us where our body is oriented in space
-Our sense of balance
Kinestetic Sense: tells us where our body parts are
-Receptors located in our muscles and joints
PERCEPTION: The process of organizing and interpreting information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events.
Gestalt Philosophy: the whole is greater than the sums of its parts.
Figure Ground Relationship: the organization of the visual field into objects (figures) that stand out from their surroundings.
Grouping: the perceptual tendency to organize stimuli into groups that we undersand.
  • Proximity:
  • Similarity:
  • Continuity:
  • Connectedness: 
Depth Perception: the ability to see objects in 3 dimensions although the images that astrike the retina are two dimensional.
  • Allows us to judge distance
Visual Cliff: not being aware of how far down

Binocular Cues
Retinal Disparity: a binocular cue for seeing depth. The closer an object comes to you, the greater the disparity is between the two images.

1 comment:

  1. I like the visuals, they help me better understand the differences in the theories.
